This year has been a wild and exciting ride.

Bitcoin has never been more popular. Together, we cheered adoption in El Salvador, celebrated all-time highs, and spun the dips.

We kicked off the year by releasing the Fold Card to everyone and ended the year by dropping sats all around you in the metaverse; hopefully, throughout it all, we've brought you one step closer to financial freedom.

We couldn't have done any of it without you, so let’s take a look at how far we've come together.
All Things Rewards
This year, we’ve given out
That’s around $4,000,000 total, or ~17,123 sats / minute!
That's an average of
1.75% back
in bitcoin for every dollar spent!
Spin+ cardholders averaged
3.34% back
... that's nearly 2x the rewards!
Spin+ cardholders get boosted rewards, extra spins, and a sexy black & gold card.
This year, we've given out
9 bitcoin
to users on single purchases!
One user won a full bitcoin on a purchase of only $10.01!
“I was out to brunch in NYC... We split the bill... I used one of my extra spins and it landed on the bitcoin on the second spin. I was in awe and everyone saw my face as I softly said: 
‘I think I just won a bitcoin...’”

- @JimKellyIFALI
Fold Bitcoin Winner
Read the full story

I was out to brunch in NYC at a restaurant called Mother's Ruin. The bill came and I split it with my soon to be brother-in-law. It was ~$20 each. There were four of us, we had been there a few hours, and the bill should have been over $200, so we let the waitress know and she realized she gave us the wrong check.

While she walked away, we talked about how it was the right thing to do and we would get some good karma for doing the right thing.

The split bill came back and I won the 11th free bitcoin on a $138 spin.

I can’t remember what my original spin was, but I used one of my extra spins and it landed on the bitcoin on the second spin.

I was in awe and everyone saw my face and I softly said "...I think I won a bitcoin" as I double, triple checked. And then we celebrated! Between the good karma and the 15-20 people I had convinced to get your Fold card everyone thought it was meant to be.

Thanks again and here’s to another great 2022! Cheers!
Spin Stats
You spun the wheel nearly
15 million
times in 2021. Don't your fingers hurt?
From the feedback you sent us, our most popular wheel was the
Uncle Satoshi wheel
Happy Financial Independence Day to all! Check out the wheel here.
While you were not feeling the
"Feeling Lucky?" wheel
I guess we can't always be lucky! See where we went wrong here.
This month's Holiday Wheel has been extended through Jan 12!
“The new wheel is perfect for day to day spending. The deposit history and purchase history prizes make it easy to hit 1,000 sats back on almost any purchase.

That equates to…
-10% back on a $5 purchase
-5% back on a $10 purchase
-2.5% back on a $20 purchase”

-  @Abentley77
Shopping Trends
Clearly we were all home a lot, because we spent the most on
delivery apps,
anything at Amazon,
& home improvement
Our most popular gift card brands are Amazon, Doordash, Lowes, Uber & Starbucks.
You spent the most on
Cinco de mayo
... guess you folks really like tacos.
And you met Plebert the Taco.
Pssst... Plebert swag is now available again for a limited time!
Holy #flashstacks, Batman!
You collectively stacked an extra
on Flash Stacks this year!
Want to be sure you don’t miss out on the next flash stack? Turn on twitter notifications.
“Fold has been the most lucrative payment card I’ve ever had - and it’s not close. [...] No one else has succeeded in giving the best Bitcoin rewards to their users."

-  Bitcoin Punter

And we’re not stopping there! There’s so much to look forward to in the coming year:
Credit Card
Featuring our ‘Sound Credit’ Program
Instant Funding and Automated Refills
social earning
Earn every time your referrals spend and save!
... and more!